Friday, January 30, 2009

And that, my friends, explains EVERYTHING.........

It's been, shall we say, a little rough around here lately. Clyde has a cold (which for him means nebulizer IMMEDIATELY to even have a chance of avoiding pneumonia), Dexter's been on school cancellation and/or 2 hour delay most of the week (meaning our schedule? Totally out of whack), and Bonnie has been beyond fragile (aka - sobbing at the drop of a hat).

I'm racking it all up to screwed up schedules and thus, being extra tired (so much so, in fact, that bedtime has been moved back half an hour WITHOUT argument from the littles).

Tonight, after yet another rousing round of'!!!!! (because, you know, flank steak IS punishment in it's most cruel and unusual form....), followed by "bathtime is now only tolerable if the puppet washcloth is involved", Bonnie offered an interesting perspective. As we were recapping the day, talking about what our favorite parts of the day were (me? getting my car back - wahoo!!), and planning out tomorrow, she offers this:

"Mom, I cand't fink aboudt dat wite now. My brwain haz furr on it."

Alrighty, then.

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