Thursday, February 21, 2008

just another manic......Thursday?

Yeah, I know. It's not how the song goes. I can't help it! Thursdays are our crazy days!

Bonnie and Clyde have school at 8:30. Dexter has school at 9 25 minutes across town.

Bonnie and Clyde are done at 11:30, and Dex is done at 1. Then, at 5:30, everyone goes to swim lessons, followed by dinner at Subway (hey, it's **right** there in the Y. Easy fix!). Home for bath and bed, and BLINK! There went the day.

Nothing all that remarkable about today, just another Thursday in the life and times of us.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How can I stay angry with this?!?!

Overheard from the kitchen, where timeouts were being served au deux:

Clyde: Gawd is gweat
Bonnie: Gawd is dood
Clyde: Tank Oou Gawd
Bonnie: Now, des get out da snacks!

Ok, so not exactly how the prayer goes, but hey, A+ for effort, right?


Sorry it's been so long since I updated. It's been a little rough around the behavior edges. We also recently completed a trip to Kansas City to visit friends, and picked up some germs along the way, so it's been a little rough around the health edges, too.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Do you know how hard it is to type with gloves on?!?!

It is FREEZING here. As in, single digit temp, 45mph wind gusts, and resulting way way way negative wind chills.

Even my office is cold, and seriously? Typing (accurately) with gloves on is difficult. Dexter wants you to know - typing with mittens on is impossible!

Today was good. There was no hitting, no spitting, and no biting. And thanks to a new addition to the stroller armada, kicking is now impossible. Well, kicking one another, anyway. Kicking the footboard and making that annoying clacking sound? That's still possible. But even that was lessened today.

The only thing missing today was the feeling in my fingers and toes.

Did I mention how COLD it is?!?!?!

Friday, February 08, 2008

I think I forgot to schedule in breathing....

Today looks like this:
Husband left for work.

My alarm goes off, and I procrastinate getting up until.........

Bonnie woke up (and begged "Git me oudda hewe, pease, momma")

Entire house is awake, and I feel the opportunity for a shower slipping away.

I determine it's now or never, destruction of the house be damned. StormHawks and Pokemon entertain Dexter, and I try to convince Bonnie and Clyde to stay in my bed and watch JoJo and the Wiggles.

Try to shower, get ready, keep Bonnie and Clyde from mortally wounding one another ("buh Momma! He huwt me!!!!")

breakfast, which, at 8:19am (the current time), is still ongoing. Waffles, yogurt, milk, apple slices. Gracious! Must be getting ready to grow.

The rest of the day plays out like this:
Must leave house by 9am to make it to the Children's Museum for a class for Dexter at 10am. We'll have lunch there (thank you mac and cheese!!! The Lenten Luncheon of Catholic Champions!!!!) and play for a bit, then head home.

Must pick up dog and drop off kids at my mom's house by 3:30pm. Dog has Vet appt at 4pm.

Pick up Bonnie and Clyde afterwards (Dexter has a sleepover with Cousin) and get home by 5:30pm to meet babysitter.

Dinner reservations at 6:15pm for rescheduled date night.

Sometime, later, fall, exhausted into bed. And breathe.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness

The title of today's entry is brought to you by Richard Carlson. I don't know who he is, and I don't know if he did something amazing or historical. I do think, though, he must have spent some time in my life recently, though!

I've been missing more than not lately. Sorry about that.

I'm having difficulty finding anything newsworthy or even slightly humorous in the kicking, hitting, pinching, spitting, biting, screaming, whining and crying that has taken over in this house. You know it's bad when Bonnie and Clyde's MDO teacher says "Yep, they were horrible." This woman is as sweet as pie, and they've worn through her already. There are three months of school left!!!! Have mercy..........

Additionally, Dexter's kindergarten "situation" still hasn't been resolved. (The situation being that we don't know where he'll be attending said kindergarten.) We're praying for the best (an opening - he's currently top of the waiting list!) and preparing for the very real possibility that there just won't be movement within the current roster and spot may not open up. To that end, I've gotten all the details on registration at the elementary school across the way, and have a plan B for preschool for Bonnie and Clyde, should Dex be assigned to afternoon K.

Add in a dash of overscheduled and a pinch of marital communication issues, and well, there you have it.

If stress is, indeed, a more socially accepted disease, I'm a popular gal!

Friday, February 01, 2008

A little heads up to the Husband

Actual text of an email sent to Husband moments ago.

Pretty much sums up our day here at the homestead:

1. The movies are being relocated to the green bins and being placed in your office. At least for now. I couldn't think of another place to put them and keep them out of reach for Bonnie and Clyde.

2. All of the Little People are put away right now. One phrase "thou shalt not use LP as projectiles"

3. The slide is put away, and the column by the oven/micro is damaged. We need to put the slide somewhere - AWAY- for a while.

Made by Lena