Wednesday, February 11, 2009

20 questions, 3 year old style

Sometimes, the train of thought of a 3 year old is just too much to follow!

Today, in the span of 15 minutes, from Clyde:

Why are there lines? (the grout in the time)
Why are these ones black? (again, tile)
Why are there leaves here? (the nap of the bathroom rug, not leaves at all)
What is this brush for? (makeup brush)
Why is that necklace hanging there? (on my vanity)
Why is those socks grey?
Where did you buy my frog socks?
Why is [Bonnie] still sleeping?
Why is it raining?
Why does the clouds move?
Did God blow all that wind?
When is Halloween?
Did you buy me my red power rangers costume?
Why can't it be my birthday now?
Can I watch Mary Poppins?
Why can't Mary Poppins live here?
Can I fly with an umbrella?
Why is Cooper furry? (dog)
Why don't I have fur?
What's for lunch?
Where is it? (lunch)
Can I eat lunch in here (my bathroom)?

why why why!!!! So many questions. Sometimes I wonder if my responses are really even necessary......

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