Friday, December 21, 2007

Holy Christmas Cards, Batman!

Wow. Quite the influx of cards today! 12 today, 13 yesterday. Love it!

What I don't, love, though, is that I have a few that have been returned and now, sadly, will most likely be late when they receive their (newly addressed) cards. Sorry guys!

What I **do** love, though, is to learn of all the new family additions, as well as those expecting them, the job promotions, the good health, and the overall happiness of friends and family. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful circle of people in our lives.

Speaking of those wonderful people, I need to get moving on some cookies for our neighbors. I had hoped to share the wealth of Cookie Day 2007, but alas, those cookies are dwindling quickly. So, they'll get a fresh batch of chocolate toffee crinkles to go along with their fudge.

Happy Friday!!

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