Friday, December 28, 2007

How much does a CVS franchise cost?

I'm thinking that, at this rate, it might make more financial sense to OWN a CVS Pharmacy than to continue to just frequent one. I mean, seriously. We're there at least once a week anyway, blowing through our HSA money like it's water, so why shouldn't we be able to reap the benefits of the profit margin?

Yep, you guessed it - the kids are sick. Again. Or is it still? Who knows, I've lost track of when, or if, any of my offspring were well. We're headed back to the dr's office today (seriously? I pay this man's mortgage. I'm sure of it) partly because all three of mine aren't eating, and their cough sounds like they're on their death beds. Sadly, the other part of the reason is that it's a Friday before a four day weekend, and knowing my children and my luck (maybe my last name IS Murphy!!!) one or more of them will take a nosedive long around Sunday night, and it'll land us back in the ER. So, I'm practicing the mom-version of preventative medicine. Pray it works.

In other news, FIL is due to arrive sometime today, and is rumored to be bearing Christmas gifts for the children. Which means, of course, that they'll be hopped up on drugs AND adrenaline from the joy of new toys.

Momma needs a drink.

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