Thursday, December 27, 2007

This week at Target - Manners on sale!!

Better run and get some while they're cheap!!!

Wait, who am I kidding? No one's buying them anyway.

Today, while schlepping the gang to Target (hey look, we HAD to get out of the house before we killed each other, ok?) we had quite the lesson in manners. You know, preschool basics - cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze, hands inside the cart at all time, keep your hands/feet to yourselves, etc etc, up and down every aisle.

And then, there was the checkout. I'm in my own world, unloading my overflowing cart onto the belt, when .... when ... grrrr, I can't even think about it now, hours later, without becoming irritated again!!!! I have three kids (who are now at the pinnacle of their tired/whiny/hungry phase), a boat load of groceries and household sundries, and this, this WOMAN shimmies her cart right up behind mine, slaps the order divider down, and starts unloading her cart.

Um, HELLO?!?!?! I'm not done yet, Lady. I'm not even HALFWAY done yet. And there her items sit, inching their way up to the scanner, as I'm now literally handing my items to the cashier one at a time because I have no place to PUT MY STUFF. And this lady was one of those "each item must have it's own personal space and as such can not touch" kind of lane loaders, so her 8 bags of Hershey's mint kisses are now taking up the entire belt. Somewhere between the artichoke hearts and the lightbulbs, my OWN lightbulb went off, and I (very kindly, I promise!) shoved her lane divider back, making her kisses **GASP** touch, and finished unloading my cart.

As I'm handing over my coupons (two measly coupons for free HotWheels, of all things) and paying, Dexter says, "Mom, that lady needs a lesson in personal space."


I may sound like a broken record, but at least it's finally starting to sink in!

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