Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How can I stay angry with this?!?!

Overheard from the kitchen, where timeouts were being served au deux:

Clyde: Gawd is gweat
Bonnie: Gawd is dood
Clyde: Tank Oou Gawd
Bonnie: Now, des get out da snacks!

Ok, so not exactly how the prayer goes, but hey, A+ for effort, right?


Sorry it's been so long since I updated. It's been a little rough around the behavior edges. We also recently completed a trip to Kansas City to visit friends, and picked up some germs along the way, so it's been a little rough around the health edges, too.


Ann said...

Too cute! I love 2 yo prayers...did they find the snacks?

Tracy said...

Now that is cute!


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