Saturday, January 12, 2008

And I couldn't even blame it on the kids

In case you haven't heard the news, one of the worst times to discover that you've locked your keys in your car is the minute you're trying to leave for basketball practice.

However, it's also one of the most likely times to learn it, as it's unlikely you'd think, "Oh, I've got nowhere to go and nothing to do for the next 3 hours, I should go check my car and see if I need to start searching for my spare set of keys."

Oh, and Husband? The 30 seconds following your wife's discovery that she has locked her keys in her car is probably NOT the best time to point out that it's bothered you for years that she leaves her keys in her car every.single.night. I'm just sayin', that's all. Take note, and you might be able to avoid at least one future occurrence of the evillookofdeath.

I feel I should round out today's life lesson with this plug, though. AAA? Yeah, it's a good thing. They're fast, they're reliable, and they're trustworthy.

And the best part? They don't even laugh at you when you tell them your keys are locked in your car - in your garage. They're evillookofdeath-proof!

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