Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'll spin you right 'round, baby...........

I can't help but think of this song every time Bonnie and Clyde are in the midst of their "running around".

Why? Because they once took my lament of "guys, why don't you go run around or something?" to heart, and now love to, quite literally, run around. As in, circles.

This is one of their favorite bedtime delay tactics, and often results in fits of giggles and, occasionally, bumped heads.

Today, though, they had the best session of running around I think they've ever enjoyed. We were early to pick up Dexter from preK, and they'd been fairly well behaved at lunch. (Einsteins. Tasty Turkey. YUM!!! Oh - that was for me, not them.....) Anyway, I digress. They'd been well behaved, so I decided to let them "run around" in the otherwise deserted gym/community room at the Church.

Here are just a few of the comments I overheard:

"whee! I be so deezee I fawl down boom!" (insert crazy toddler giggles here)
"Sissy! No spinning! we wun awound, no spin spin spin!!" (insert crazy toddler giggles here)
"oou go dat way, I go dis way. we'wl wun and wun and wun and go 'wound togever!!" (as you may have guessed, insert crazy toddler giggles here).

My favorite, though, was this, overheard as I was rounding them up to head upstairs and acquire their big brother:

"Oh, dat was so FUN! Momma! Dat was FUN! Tank-oou, Momma for wetting me wun 'wound! I so tiwed now, Momma!"

Manners, gratitude, AND the promise of a real nap? Rock on!!!!

It must've worked, they've been sleeping for two hours now!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Awesome! We often take the kids to the gym to run and bounce off the energy...but not with nearly as much joy as Bonnie and Clyde have :)


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