Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Please pause for station identification.....

I'm not sure what station I'm broadcasting on, but I can tell you that it's transmitting at a frequency the monkeys in this house don't hear.

It's been a long and tiring day here (day two of no school for the week - this time parent/teacher conferences).

In the last 36 hours, I've come to realize that I can not locate original birth certificates for any of my three children, baptismal certificates for two of my children (was three, prior to the mail arriving today. Thank you St. Mary's!!!!!!!), and social security cards for two children and a husband are also missing.

Oh, and Dexter's baby book is missing, too. greeeeeeeeeeat.

I went to Target yesterday to purchase a fire safe after saying for years I wanted to do so. Those same years were spent bowing to husband's wishes NOT to get one. And now, I can't find anything.

This afternoon will be spent refereeing and organizing. Not exactly two mutually agreeable tasks, but two necessary ones.

I have a headache, and it has excedrin written all over it.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

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