Tuesday, January 15, 2008

He can READ!! He can READ!!!!

Holy cow. Wow wow wow. WOW!

Dexter can read. Officially, starting today, he can READ!

He's known his letters and their sounds forEVER, but has had zero interest in piecing them together and sounding out words. He's a stubborn boy, and when he doesn't want to do something, he won't even try. That's been the case up until now.

Today, when I picked him up from preK, his teacher was telling me what a great job he'd done on his project that day - a mitten book. I told him how excited I was to see it, and that we'd read it before quiet time today.

And then came those magical words, straight from his teacher's mouth, "Have him read it to you. He can do it."


I ask her to clarify. I say, "yes, he memorizes books easily. He can recite it, right?" and she says "No, he can READ it."

No freakin' way. I tested him when we got home.

Mitten Book? Check - read it.
Old, New, Red, Blue
? CHECK! He read it!!!!!!

wow, Wow, WOW!!!!!!!

My baby can READ!!!!!!!


Tracy said...

Congratulations! Way to go Dexter! Say goodbye to the days of spelling things you don't want him to know about. Sad but true. These kids grow up way too fast!

Ann said...

Congrats! WTG Dexter! Henry sounded out "happy holidays" on a sign the other day, but I'm not ready to say that he can read...
Good bye to spelling words and writing notes!

Anonymous said...

Pollywog read 8 beginner books to me yesterday. 8! And he begged to read more today...but I told him that he needed to practice the orignal 8 more.


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