Friday, January 18, 2008

This is me, without a nap

A nap by the kids, that is!

Holy cow. I'm pooped.

We had a litany of errands to run today, and I was really counting on some kids' sleeping time to regroup and veg a bit.

yeah. SO not happening.

Guess this means I now have no excuse not to get on the horn to the plumber, the electrician, and the builder. Think they're scrubbing their way out to sea together? That could explain why no one has called me back. Hmmmm.....

In other non-important daily news, I have learned a few things today:
1. A new McDonald's play area is a zoo. Mind you, a cleaner zoo than normal, but a zoo nonetheless.
2. When you tell a precocious 5.5yo that "it's a zoo in there", he's sorely disappointed to see only other children, no lions (or tigers, or bears, OH MY!)
3. That a sleeping 2.5yo girl is not as sleepily transported from car to bed now that she's in panties and has to be woken up to use the potty before resuming her nap.
4. When a 2.5yo girl only takes a 15 minute car nap, it makes for a looooooooong and ugly ugly ugly afternoon.

And lastly - here's my PSA for the day:
To the nice lady behind me at Target today:
I can not begin to express to you just how very much I appreciated you commenting on my children's behavior. I thought it was atrocious, but you insisted that you were impressed. It reminded me that maybe I really AM my worst critic and things aren't always as bad as they seem to me. (I'm being serious here, folks. No sarcasm! I know! ME? no sarcasm?)

So, in the spirit of paying it forward, I vow to tell a mom I don't know what a great job I think she's doing the next time I'm at a store. Will you join me?

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