Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Inferno, with a side of pretzels, please

Things have been rough around the homestead lately. Bonnie and Clyde are marching ever closer to three, which around here, seems to be like me voluntarily marching straight into Dante's Inferno. "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here." Yep, that pretty much sums it up these days!

Today has been the epitome of this, as evidenced by (in no particular order) screaming, spitting, biting, kicking, hitting, hair pulling, and, in an effort worthy of an Academy nomination, a full out temper tantrum over a hot dog (well, actually, the lack thereof).

I **know** this, too, shall pass. I know it. I lived through it with Dexter, I'll live through it with them. It seriously tests the mettle of which I'm made.

They are asleep, thankfully. I'm praying for a long nap today in the hopes that sleep will adjust their attitude-o-meter.

In other news, it's currently 12* outdoors (windchill -1* Ooooo! A warm front!). At least the sun is out!!!!

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