Friday, January 11, 2008

No rest for the weary ....

So, I completely missed my mom-break today. I had a meeting I had to attend at 1pm, which meant Husband covered the homefront from 1-2. And, of course, that means he also was able to reap the benefits of naptime.

Wouldn't you know it? Within mere seconds of him leaving the house (please! the garage door wasn't even down yet!!!) all three came bounding into my office.

Break time? Not today!

However, my stress level is residing right around that 10+ mark, and just didn't have it in me to deal with the monkeys. So, I snacked them up and retreated to my office for a quick game of Bejeweled 2 (my latest stress-reducing, use my brain, release).

Wouldn't you know it? At my stressed out highest, with kids clamoring for my attention, I scored my highest score yet - 43,601. Go me!!! I also made Expert Appraiser. (My mother would be so proud.....)

Just goes to show - we moms? Yep, you guessed it - we're in our top form when completely stressed out!!!

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