Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Calgon, Take Me Away

Remember this commercial? I think it was a late 80's, early 90's slogan. Growing up, though, it was adopted into our daily lives, and has stuck with me ever since. Apropos anytime things are just....well...just too much.

Or, in the case of today, too little. Too little sleep, that is.

Why is it when you have had too little sleep, everything else becomes exponentially too much?

Too many questions, which are standard fare around here, become enough to send me over the edge when I've had too little sleep.

Too many requests, too much whining, too much singing, too much of it ALL.

I could probably remedy my overtired, overstressed situation by taking a nap. But, napping doesn't actually prove productive in any arena except sleep, so a nap today is just simply not going to happen.

Too many phone calls to make, too much laundry to wash/dry/fold/put away, too much clutter to manage, simply too much to do.

So, while sleep would be a logical choice, I'm going with option number 2 - cookies and caffeine.

Oh, and tomorrow? Bonnie? Clyde? Can we agree that 4 am is simply TOO early?!?!?!

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